We're Buffer 😊

We’re an optimistic and gratitude-filled group of remote workers scattered around the world and dedicated to creating a product our customers will use and love.

Read on to learn more about Buffer’s story and history and see the full Buffer team.

Our Story

Buffer started as a Startup Sprint project in November 2010 to solve a problem our Founder and CEO Joel Gascoigne was experiencing — he wanted to space out when his tweets were sent. The idea gained hundreds of users within the first few months and eventually grew to add social networks, to go beyond purely publishing to social media into analytics, engagement, and even to building micro sites. Today, Buffer is one of the most well-known social media marketing tools serving small businesses, creators, and individuals.

The Buffer team was initially just a few people working on a project they believed in, and steadily started growing after the founders joined an accelerator in August 2011. Over the next few years, Buffer teammates joined from wherever they were based as Buffer’s founders traveled and built Buffer. In 2013, we decided to commit to being a fully remote and distributed team, giving up our office space. That decision marked just one example of the Buffer team choosing our own path with how we operate as we build Buffer. We also share the whole team’s salaries, part of our value of transparency, and our whole company works a four-day work week.

All that to say, Buffer is a product built to help our customers get off the ground and grow via organic marketing, and the Buffer team is an optimistic and gratitude-filled group of remote workers scattered around the world and dedicated to creating a product our customers will use and love.

We are an Open Company

Since 2013, we’ve been open with Buffer’s finances and our team’s salaries, among many other metrics. We share openly because we believe in the power of transparency to build trust, hold us accountable to a high standard, and push our industry forward.



Monthly Recurring Revenue



Monthly Active Users



Annual Recurring Revenue



Average revenue per user

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A brief history



Buffer was created as part of a Startup Sprint

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Buffer was accepted into AngelPad startup accelerator, with initial $120,000 investment


Buffer raised a small seed round of $330,000, to bring total funding to $450,000

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Our founders had visa troubles and started traveling while growing Buffer, the team grew to 7 people by August

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Buffer’s first all-company retreat took place in Lake Tahoe

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We reached 1 Million users

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We published the whole companies salaries

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We raised $3.5M in Series A funding

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We acquired Respondly

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We surpassed $10M ARR

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We had a cash-flow crisis resulting in several financial changes at Buffer, including a round of lay offs

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We spent $3.3M buying out our main Series A investors

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We trialed a four day work week

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We officially switch to a four day work week

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We launch Start Page: Buffer’s microsite tool

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We have our first Buffer Build Week

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We launch Buffer’s AI Assistant

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Our values

Early into Buffer’s journey, our Founder and CEO, Joel Gascoigne, read the book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. The book had a huge impact on Joel’s life and what Buffer would become. We have based several of Buffer’s values directly on the principles Carnegie proposes

Default to Transparency

Our true North Star. Transparency is the value we’re best known for, and yet, still very aspirational. We aspire to always default to transparency as a company and as individuals in our decisions and actions.

How we default to transparency

  • We choose transparency as a lifestyle of authenticity and honesty, as well as an effective way to work remotely and establish a culture of trust.
  • We believe our transparency will help others as well.
  • We share early in the decision process to avoid “big revelations.”
  • We strive to make all communication clear and avoid making assumptions.

Improve Consistently

Improving consistently is about striving to be better, not in competition with anyone but our yesterday selves. We are committed to working every day toward personal and professional growth.

How we improve consistently

  • We try to make Buffer a little bit better every day in whatever domain we can.
  • We choose to be where we are the happiest and most productive.
  • We desire to be better every day and know that improvement can be found in small changes.
  • We strive to exemplify a growth mindset and believe that any skill or talent can be learned through practice.

Be a No-Ego Doer

We don’t attach our personal selves to ideas. We remove ourselves—our fears, our pride—from our work to lead to a better, more productive experience for us and everyone around us. We’re all rowing this boat together.

How we are no-ego doers

  • We consider the bigger picture and practice humility, knowing our work goes beyond ourselves.
  • We are adaptable and comfortable making decisions and working in uncertainty.
  • We advocate for diverse perspectives to make our team and products stronger.
  • We have a bias towards action. Done well today is better than done perfectly next week.

Show Gratitude

This value is deeply ingrained in our culture. We regularly show gratitude for each other, for the technology to make this company and life possible, and for the many blessings that Buffer brings to our lives.

How we show gratitude

  • We regularly demonstrate gratitude for our circumstances.
  • We approach customer conversations with the knowledge that it’s a privilege to serve them.
  • We are grateful for the work teammates do to push the company forward.
  • We view it as our duty to give back to help others the way we’ve been supported by many individuals, platforms, and communities.

Choose Optimism

Choosing optimism is foundational to Buffer’s kind and joyful culture. Optimism helps us look to the future with positivity, while embracing hard conversations and decisions in service of Buffer’s health and future.

How we choose optimism

  • We strive to approach everything with optimism about the potential outcome.
  • We assume the best of others because we may lack full context.
  • We believe that constructive, honest feedback is an investment in growth.
  • We push through any artificial harmony.
  • We find joy and fun in the ups and downs of startup life.

Reflect to Unblock

We carve out time for reflection in order to unblock ourselves. We believe personal growth stems from vulnerability and introspection as we focus on ongoing self-improvement.

How we reflect to unblock

  • We deliberately find time for reflection; we believe this is where life-changing adjustments come from.
  • We find the time to jump out of the trenches into higher-level thinking that will move the needle.
  • We understand the value of patience and treat it as a muscle, which needs practice to grow.

Get to know our global team

We’re committed to building a diverse team and a work environment that’s inclusive of people of all backgrounds. Get to know the wonderful team who's building our product and supporting our customers.

Want to join us?

Working at Buffer is more than just a job.

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Where we work

One of the biggest freedoms of our team is that we’re a fully remote and distributed team based around the world. We believe in working smarter, not harder, and choosing to live and work where we are the happiest and most productive selves, and we’re not afraid to find out where that is. With this map, you can see where Buffer’s team is working from.







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